Sunday, February 24, 2013

Revised Goals

Good evening lovelies!

Let me tell you how at peace I am that I didn't have much on my plate this Lazy Sunday.

I got to do things that I wanted to do, and then I realized, I HAVE TOMORROW OFF TOO!!

BONES NEWS: Bones is now 6 months old.. almost 7 on the 8th! He was born August 8th 2012 (at least thats what we estimated from the lack of information from the people who had him before). He normally sleeps on his bed in my bedroom with the door closed so he cant get into trouble without waking me up first. This sly man happened to weasel through the doorway this morning. So what did he search and destroy? A paper plate and plastic fork. He at majority of both. Oh Bones. He is starting puppy school later next month to be the most AWESOME dog ever.

PR: The party last night, like I said, was small. Little disappointed only due to the goals I have set but the calendar is shaping up and we have a lot of leads. By the end of the day I hope to add a party to my schedule and I DID IT! Its in April, but we got this. The more people I talk to the more fun it is. And the closer I am to my goals.

GOALS: Pay off the credit cards by November. Lets do some math:
Credit cards / 7 months = and entire extra pay check per month.
Possible? Yes. Lots of dedication and determination. Every time I do budgets I say to myself that I'm going to start coupon-ing to save money. Between dog food, gas and food for myself, I NEED TO. But here's the question: HOW DO YOU COUPON. The show on tv is good to watch but I need the book on how to coupon. Coupon-ing for dummies aka Kate. Gotta start somewhere right? Guess I'll start today.

::Bones is staring me down because I'm not paying attention to him::

Sunday fun-day has been watching Gina's soccer game. Cuddling with my hungover boo. Nap. Walmart. Lets talk about that for a moment. I got so dressed up- North Face and sweats. Not really sure why I went in the first place so I bought new nail polishes. Because I can. If you don't know I have a healthy obsession with nail polish and I am an artist. With that, there are never enough colors of nail polishes to chose the colors I can imagine.  Then it comes to wanting a Pandora Bracelet and coming to terms I will never be able to afford it within the next year at this rate. Need the bills paid, Dog fed and anything else before the fun stuff. So while my dreams continue to soar, reality takes the cake. 

Pitch Perfect is my new favorite everything. I'm on a quest to watch it forever. Have to finish it the first time. 

Night Lovelies, Have a wonderful week.

Your Pure Romance Fact: here
Orgasms can relieve pain.
Got a headache? Maybe you should have sex after all. “There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain—including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth,” notes Lisa Stern, RN, MSN, a nurse practitioner who works with Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles and blogs at “The mechanism is largely due to the body’s release of a chemical called oxytocin during orgasm,” she says. “Oxytocin facilitates bonding, relaxation and other positive emotional states.” While the pain relief from orgasm is short-lived—usually only about eight to 10 minutes—she points to past research indicating that even thinking about sex can help alleviate pain.

Read more: Female Orgasm Facts - Surprising Facts About Orgasms - Woman's Day 

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