Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Paper Decor/Ornaments

I made a few ornaments that were from scrapbook paper... In which I've maybe scrapbooked twice but have over 100 pages of scrapbook paper that I have occasionally used for book making, accents and multimedia projects. As of this time I'm still using ideas from pinterest that I have seen. The sad part is I only post the images and never look at the DIY link of how to and just use trial and error. Only if it is something that I don't know which material it is made out of or how the construction is made, then I take a gander. Yes, I said gander. This was the first thing I saw and said, "I can do that and refuse to pay for it. It may be simple but I have the time and hot glue supplies. Why not?".  Then I saw a little more that I loved even more... therefore these are two of the creations I made. 

So there was this website someone pinned some spiral ornaments on that I started to think about and how simple they were; yet they are so pretty. So I did my own version of that. It took a few tries of stringing it up and how far to squish it down but in the end, I love it. Two pieces wrong side to wrong side and strung it up. Through the bottom pieces in bottom to top order. Then from the top adding each one from the top to the bottom creating the spiral effect. Depends on how thick the strips are and how wide you make them to the size of the ornament. I like the oblong spiral mine created after a few trial and error runs.

Finally, I saw things from Martha Stewart's website that I wanted to create. After years of watching her DIY and home decor shows before tax evasion or what have you, I love that show. And the Bob Vila show in wood working. (one day this summer I hope to accomplish making a wooden rocking chair and a picnic table for my back yard. I can't wait for warm weather- but not until I've had enough snow. Snow withdrawal sucks.) So I created my silver snow fake mantle. You would think living in an old city house with plaster walls there would be some kind of wood burning something. But it looks like from the cellar/basement (barely 6" clearing) that someone removed the chimney that went up through the living room from downstairs. Oh well. You know an art kid improvises what to do to make things work for the things we want to have around the house. -- Minor things that is. I would love a deck and to go into the attic and create more spaces but the house isn't mine.... So I bought a mantle for myself to minimally decorate due to space in the meantime. I got a sign that says SNOW and porcelain candle holders with different cut outs on the side for a steal at Marshall's. I silver foiled the bottoms to make it stand out and fit into the decor (I love silver all year for many different reasons). They ended up perfect. I added the scrapbook paper trees to the mantle and POOF, Christmas was created. Don't mind the crack in the plaster wall.....

After making that work, I made a few more to go on top of the storage space and the christmas santa wine decorations, I was all set. Oh, the candle smells like christmas trees from Glade! I also have the apple cheer scent- sparkling spruce is what the green one is. Trimmed each one with some paint and glitter attached and coated on to the star and it was all perfect. 

I am still continuing the quest of making more holiday art/decorations/crafts to spread the cheer. Sometimes I don't want to give them away due to spending so much time on everything and putting a little of me in there... But its the best way for me to express myself - art. So I will continue to make more. 

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