Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The beginning of the Show

I decided it was time to put together pieces of my Senior Exhibition "Symposium" and walk through some thoughts as an artists commentary. This is to get myself exploring the emotions and processes felt and used throughout this time period of my life. I hope to continue my art career in the near future by continuing to explore even more.

**In recent research and news about exploitation of images posted on the internet, all will have a watermark of "Midget Digits by k8monstAr" edited into them to protect my work.  Any questions, please comment or contact me.**

When approaching my show in the Boroughs gallery at ECU, you first stumbled upon my inspiration/brainstorm wall.
This featured art and design pattern work and its progress; the table cloth with simple screen printing a layered pattern; pages from my sketch book; samples and tests of the processes.

 Each piece of paper from my sketch book related to the process of designing and creating each project hung in the show. Random thoughts and words with doodles are found in my sketch books than the actual sketches of the final product. I intend on posting each of those pages in detail images when presenting the specific artwork.

The inspiration wall set the tone for the show. So many processes, thoughts and styles were presented through the show pieces. A good portion of time during my ECU time was spent in emotional turmoil. Death, leaving home, first broken heart, betrayal, family health and so much more consumed me outside of school and work. All of these emotions were explored through the many classes and works I was making. 

Each piece tells a story and a reason behind the thoughts. To interpret some of these, there will be difficult stories to tell and joyous times to confuse the mind. So much pressure and stress throughout these years are shown and have shaped who I am today. 

From the exploration of each piece, I hope to continue to explore the past few years and current emotions through new work.

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